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Showcasing the power of video

How by creating relatable video content and sharing it across appropriate channels, RWE connected with a wider graduate audience
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At a glance

Attracting STEM talent

Video-led brand awareness

Increasing graduate apps by 95%

We had to find a way to convince graduates to choose a career with RWE

RWE Supply & Trading (RWEST) are a leading global energy trading company. They wanted talented STEM graduates and apprentices to choose a career with them, but the problem was these people had never heard of them. So to understand what drove RWE’s current cohort – and why the next generation should apply, we ran a number of focus groups.  

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A distinct theme emerged: Choice 

We found that graduates and apprentices believed that at RWE, their choices have more impact, more meaning, and more benefits for their career.  

The big idea then came naturally... From here, you have choice. 

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Lights. Camera. Attraction. 

We needed to bring this message to life in an engaging way that would show the energy of a career with RWE. Something that showed real, relatable people, and gave an insight into the wide-ranging careers RWE offers. Video was the obvious choice. 

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RWE video on Iphone device

Shoot for the stars

We went big. To encapsulate the choice RWE offers, we created a polished Hero Video that would grab attention and raise broader brand awareness. Filmed across three locations the concept lived and breathed through RWEST’s people, so we did lots of engagement work to get everyone on board, out of their comfort zone and stuck into filming. Even the CEO, COO and CFO got involved.

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Up-close and personal

We also created some guided user-generated content and compilations. These focused on depth interviews with interns and grads to provide follow-up content and more in-depth detail on individual grads’ ‘choices’.

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